Dildos are most common and popular sex toys of all time. Dildo can be put into the mouth, anus, or vagina. While they are sometimes meant to feel like a penis, they don’t have to always look like one.

The choice of dildos is extremely wide – there are curved ones, straight ones, there are dildos with balls. Long, short, thick and thin. One of the most valued is the so-called realistic dildos that are designed to look as similar as possible to a man’s penis.

Some dildos are also precisely made according to the penis of a specific male porn star. More luxurious dildos are equipped with a suction cup, they can be attached to the floor, chair, table – wherever.
Dildos are made of very different materials, the color range is also wide, there are flesh-colored, more “exotic” black dildos, etc. Some modern dildos also have a battery-operated remote control – in this case, it is a vibrating dildo.
